You can purchase Card Packs, Mercenaries Packs, Adventures, alternate Heroes, and more in the in-game Hearthstone® Shop. Whether you shop on a computer or on a mobile device, your Hearthstone purchases and progress are shared across any device where you log in using your account.

Types of Card Packs

With the exception of new Catch-Up Packs, opening a Card Pack in Hearthstone adds 5 cards to your collection. There are rules in place to make sure your pack opening experience is exciting.

Note: These rules do not apply to Mini Sets or Battle-Ready Decks. Mini Sets and Battle-Ready Decks are bundles of specific cards. Mini Sets and Battle-Ready Decks are not card packs and are not subject to randomness. If a Mini Set or a Battle-Ready Deck includes cards that are already in your collection, you will still receive those cards.

  • Expansion packs are card packs from a particular named expansion. They include only cards from that particular expansion.
  • Standard packs are packs that include only cards from Standard card expansions, as of the time the pack is opened. The included cards can be from any combination of Standard expansions. 
  • Class packs are packs that include only cards from their specific class, from the Standard pool of cards at the time the pack is opened. The included cards can be from any combination of Standard expansions.
  • Catch-Up Packs are a new type of pack that include a variable number of cards and are tied to a particular expansion and include cards from the other Standard card expansions at the time of that expansion’s launch. For example, Badlands Catch-Up Packs include cards from each of the five other Standard expansions when Showdown in the Badlands launches: Voyage to the Sunken City, Murder at Castle Nathria, March of the Lich King, Festival of Legends, and TITANS.

Rarity and Quality of Cards

Cards found in packs can be of four different rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, or Legendary.

Cards found in packs also have different cosmetic qualities. Common, Rare, and Epic rarity cards can be of two different qualities: Normal or Golden. Legendary rarity cards can be of three different qualities: Normal, Golden, or Signature. All cards in Catch-Up Packs are of Normal quality

Diamond quality cards cannot be found in card packs; signature quality cards are only available in some sets, and from products that grant cards from those sets. As of Patch 27.4, signature quality cards can be obtained from the following packs:

  • Class card packs
  • Standard card packs
  • Wild card packs
  • Classic card packs
  • Caverns of Time card packs
  • Whispers of the Old Gods card packs
  • Mean Streets of Gadgetzan card packs
  • Expansion set card packs from the March of the Lich King expansion and onward

Drop Rates

Below are the odds to obtain each type of card when opening packs.

Normal Packs

When opening packs of cards, you will get a:

  • On average, 0.6% chance to get a Signature Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 361 packs from the previous Signature Legendary card drop
  • Note: This only applies to packs granting cards from sets that have Signature Legendary cards
  • On average, 0.6% chance to get a Golden Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 361 packs from the previous Golden Legendary card drop
  • On average, 1.4% chance to get a Golden Epic card and guaranteed to get one within 142 packs from the previous Golden Epic card drop
  • On average, 7.1% chance to get a Golden Rare card and guaranteed to get one within 29 packs from the previous Golden Rare card drop
  • On average, 8.1% chance to get a Golden Common card and guaranteed to get one within 25 packs from the previous Golden Common card drop
  • On average, 5.0% chance to get a Normal Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 40 packs from the previous Normal Legendary card drop
    • Note: One Legendary card is guaranteed within the first 10 packs of a new card expansion, then subsequent Legendary card drops will follow the above rule
  • On average, 21.0% chance to get a Normal Epic card and guaranteed to get one within 10 packs from the previous Normal Epic card drop
  • Each card pack is guaranteed to contain at least one Normal Rare card or better
  • Remaining cards will be Normal Common cards on average of 3.5 cards per pack

You will not receive more than one copy of a Legendary card, until you have received all the Legendary cards in that card expansion. Similarly, you will not receive more than two copies of any Common, Rare, or Epic card until you have received two copies of all cards of that rarity in that card expansion.

Crafting a card counts towards receiving it, and any cards you disenchant (whether golden or non-golden) count as well. This means that if you get a card you don't want, you can disenchant it and you will not receive it again until you have all cards of that rarity from that card expansion.

Golden Packs and Signature Golden Packs

Cards found in Golden packs and/or Signature Golden packs will always be Golden or Signature quality. When opening Golden or Signature Golden packs of cards, you will get a:

  • On average, 0.6% chance to get a Signature Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 361 packs from the previous Signature Legendary card drop
    • Note: This only applies to packs granting cards from sets that have Signature Legendary cards
  • [Signature Golden Expansion Set Packs Only] In Signature Golden Expansion Set packs, this chance is increased to 15.1% chance to get a Signature Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 14 packs from the previous Signature Legendary card drop
  • [Golden Expansion Set Packs Only] In Golden Expansion Set packs, this chance is increased to 5.0% chance to get a Signature Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 40 packs from the previous Signature Legendary card drop
  • On average, 5.0% chance to get a Golden Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 40 packs from the previous Golden Legendary card drop
    • Note: One Golden Legendary card is guaranteed within the first 10 packs of a new card expansion, then subsequent Golden Legendary card drops will follow the above rule
  • On average, 21.0% chance to get a Golden Epic card and guaranteed to get one within 10 packs from the previous Golden Epic card drop
  • Each Golden card pack is guaranteed to contain at least one Golden Rare card or better per pack
  • Remaining cards will be Golden Common cards on average of 3.7 cards per pack

Catch-Up Packs

Catch-Up Packs are a special type of pack that has variable number of cards, between 5 to 50 cards per pack. Each Catch-Up Pack pulls cards from a fixed list of prior Hearthstone expansions, regardless of when they are opened: all the prior expansions still in Standard at the time of the named expansion’s launch.


  • Showdown in the Badlands Catch-Up Packs include cards from 5 expansions: Voyage to the Sunken City, Murder at Castle Nathria, March of the Lich King, Festival of Legends, and TITANS.
  • Whizbang’s Workshop Catch-Up Packs include cards from 3 expansions: Festival of Legends, TITANS, and Showdown in the Badlands.
  • Perils in Paradise Catch-Up Packs include cards from 4 expansions: Festival of Legends, TITANS, Showdown in the Badlands, and Whizbang's Workshop

Because the total number of cards in a Catch Up Pack is always 5 to 50 cards, the range of possible cards per expansion within a pack is based on how many expansions appear in that type of Catch-Up Pack. The count of cards per expansion within that range is based on the percentage of that expansion that you have already received. (Percentage is based on cards you have ever received from that particular expansion, including crafting, irrespective of whether you have later disenchanted those cards. Percentage is determined at the time the pack is opened. Percentage counts up to 2 copies of Common, Rare, and Epic cards, and 1 copy of Legendary cards.)

5-Expansion Catch-Up Packs

If 5 expansions appear in that Catch-Up Pack (like in the Badlands Catch-Up Packs example above), each pack will contain between 1 and 10 cards from each of the five expansions represented, for a total of 5 to 50 cards per pack. The count of cards per expansion that you will receive will be based on the following percentages:

  • If less than 25% for that expansion, you’ll get 10 cards from that expansion.
  • If more than 75% for that expansion, you’ll get 1 card from that expansion.
  • Between 25% and 75%, you’ll get between 10 and 1 cards, using linear interpolation.

Examples (for a 5-expansion Catch-Up Pack):

  • 20% collection → 10 cards
  • 25% collection → 10 cards
  • 30% collection → 9.1 cards
  • 35% collection → 8.2 cards
  • 40% collection → 7.3 cards
  • 45% collection → 6.4 cards
  • 50% collection → 5.5 cards
  • 55% collection → 4.6 cards
  • 60% collection → 3.7 cards
  • 65% collection → 2.8 cards
  • 70% collection → 1.9 cards
  • 75% collection → 1 card
  • 80% collection → 1 card
  • Fractional average cards are handled via weighted random rounding
    • Example: "7.3 cards" means 7 cards, with a 30% chance of an 8th card.

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4-Expansion Catch-Up Packs

If 4 expansions appear in that Catch-Up Pack (like in the Perils in Paradise Catch-Up Packs example above), each pack will contain between 1 and 13 cards from each of the four expansions represented, with adjustments so that there is a total of 5 to 50 cards per pack. The count of cards per expansion that you will receive will be based on the following percentages and rules:

  • If less than 25% for that expansion, you’ll get 12.5 cards from that expansion.
  • If more than 75% for that expansion, you’ll get 1 card from that expansion.
  • Between 25% and 75%, you’ll get between 12.5 and 1 cards, using linear interpolation.
  • If the above would result in 4 cards total, one random set will get an additional card, resulting in a total of 5 cards in the Catch-Up Pack.
  • If the above would result in 51 cards total, a random one of the sets will get one fewer card, resulting in a total of 50 cards in the Catch-Up Pack.
  • If the above would result in 52 cards total, a random two of the sets will get one fewer card, resulting in a total of 50 cards in the Catch-Up Pack.

Examples (for a 4-expansion Catch-Up Pack):

  • 20% collection → 12.5 cards (or 12 to keep total pack size to 50)
  • 25% collection → 12.5 cards (or 12 to keep total pack size to 50)
  • 30% collection → 11.35 cards
  • 35% collection → 10.2 cards
  • 40% collection → 9.05 cards
  • 45% collection → 7.9 cards
  • 50% collection → 6.75 cards
  • 55% collection → 5.6 cards
  • 60% collection → 4.45 cards
  • 65% collection → 3.3 cards
  • 70% collection → 2.15 cards
  • 75% collection → 1 card (or 2, to keep total pack size to 5)
  • 80% collection → 1 card (or 2, to keep total pack size to 5)
  • Fractional average cards are handled via weighted random rounding
    • Example: "6.75 cards" means 6 cards, with a 75% chance of a 7th card.

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3-Expansion Catch-Up Packs

If 3 expansions appear in that Catch-Up Pack (like in the Whizbang’s Workshop Catch-Up Packs example above), each pack will contain between 1 and 17 cards from each of the three expansions represented, with adjustments so that there is a total of 5 to 50 cards per pack. The count of cards per expansion that you will receive will be based on the following percentages and rules:

  • If less than 25% for that expansion, you’ll get 17 cards from that expansion.
  • If more than 75% for that expansion, you’ll get 1 card from that expansion.
  • Between 25% and 75%, you’ll get between 17 and 1 cards, using linear interpolation.
  • If the above would result in 3 cards total, a random two of the sets will get an additional card, resulting in a total of 5 cards in the Catch-Up Pack.
  • If the above would result in 4 cards total, a random one of the sets will get an additional card, resulting in a total of 5 cards in the Catch-Up Pack.
  • If the above would result in 51 cards total, a random one of the sets will get one fewer card, resulting in a total of 50 cards in the Catch-Up Pack.  

Examples (for a 3-expansion Catch-Up Pack):

  • 20% collection → 16.7 cards (or 16, to keep total pack size to 50)
  • 25% collection → 16.7 cards (or 16, to keep total pack size to 50)
  • 30% collection → 15.4 cards
  • 35% collection → 13.8 cards
  • 40% collection → 12.2 cards
  • 45% collection → 10.6 cards
  • 50% collection → 9.0 cards
  • 55% collection → 7.4 cards
  • 60% collection → 5.8 cards
  • 65% collection → 4.2 cards
  • 70% collection → 2.6 cards
  • 75% collection → 1 card (or 2, to keep total pack size to 5)
  • 80% collection → 1 card (or 2, to keep total pack size to 5)/li>
  • Fractional average cards are handled via weighted random rounding
    • Example: "7.4 cards" means 7 cards, with a 40% chance of an 8th card.

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Catch-Up Pack Rarity Breakdown

Rarities of the included cards for all Catch-Up Packs will be as follows:

  • On average, 1.2309% of cards will be Normal Legendary and guaranteed to get one within 163 cards in Catch-Up Packs of that expansion from the previous Normal Legendary drop
    • Note: One Legendary card is guaranteed within the first 50 cards that you receive from Catch-Up Packs for each expansion, then subsequent Legendary card drops will follow the above rule.
  • On average, 4.4800% of cards will be Normal Epic and guaranteed to get one within 45 cards in Catch-Up Packs of that expansion from the previous Normal Epic drop.
  • At least 20% of the cards in each pack (rounded up) will be a Normal Rare card or better.
  • All remaining cards will be Normal Common.

Legendary Cards

Any shop offering that includes a Random Legendary card will grant a random Legendary card according to the following rules:

  • Depending on the shop offering, Random Legendary cards draw from the pool of cards noted in the shop offering's description, which will include one of the following:
    • Standard, which includes all Legendary cards from card expansions currently in standard
    • Wild, which includes all Legendary cards from card expansions currently in Wild
    • A particular card expansion, which includes all Legendary cards from the specified expansion
    • Signature Legendary cards from a particular expansion, which includes all Signature Legendary cards from the specified expansion
    • Note: uncraftable Legendary cards that do not appear in card packs are not part of the pool of possibilities for any Random Legendary card offering
  • There is an equal chance of receiving any Legendary card from the applicable pool of possibilities, subject to the mechanics below:
    • Legendary cards that you have previously received or crafted are excluded from the pool of possibilities
    • Once you have received all Legendary cards in the pool of possibilities, all Legendary cards in the pool have an equal chance of appearing
  • The odds of receiving any particular Legendary card depends on the number of Legendary cards in the pool and the number of Legendary cards which you have previously received or crafted from that pool. The odds of receiving any particular Legendary cards are as follows:
    • Standard: 1 in 153 (0.65%)
    • Wild: 1 in 668 (0.15%)
    • The Great Dark Beyond Legendary Cards: 1 in 25 (4%)
    • The Great Dark Beyond Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 11 (9.01%)
      • Note: The Gravitational Displacer, Exarch Othaar, Kerrigan Queen of Blades, Artanis, and Jim Raynor Signature Legendary cards are not included in these odds because they do not drop from packs or other random means. These cards can be obtained from designated shop bundles.
    • Perils in Paradise Legendary Cards: 1 in 30 (3.33%)
    • Perils in Paradise Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 20 (5.00%)
    • Whizbang’s Workshop Legendary Cards: 1 in 30 (3.33%)
    • Whizbang’s Workshop Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 9 (11.11%)
    • Caverns of Time Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 15 (6.67%)
    • Showdown in the Badlands Legendary Cards: 1 in 30 (3.33%)
    • Showdown in the Badlands Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 11 (9.01%)
    • TITANS Legendary Cards: 1 in 30 (3.33%)
    • TITANS Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 10 (10.00%)
    • Festival of Legends Legendary Cards: 1 in 30 (3.33%)
    • Festival of Legends Signature Legendary Cards: 1 in 10 (10.00%)

Opening a Mercenaries Pack in Hearthstone adds 5 items from the following 3 types to your Mercenaries collection:

  • Mercenary Card. A Mercenary Card allows you to play a Mercenary in the Mercenaries Mode with its default portrait.
  • Mercenary Portrait. A Mercenary Portrait is a different look for a Mercenary which you can select when playing that Mercenary.
  • Mercenary Coins. Mercenary Coins allow you to craft a Mercenary if you do not own them and upgrade their abilities and equipment. Mercenary Coins are unique per Mercenary –for example, Jaina Coins can only be used with the Jaina Mercenary.

Mercenary Cards, Portraits, and Coins can be of three different rarities: Rare, Epic, and Legendary.

There are rules in place to make sure your Mercenaries Pack opening experience is exciting.


One of the five slots in a pack is reserved to grant you a Mercenary Card. The reserved slot first determines the rarity of the Mercenary Card you will be awarded adhering to the rarity guidelines below.

Each Mercenaries Pack contains at least one Rare or better Mercenary Card, subject to the duplicate mechanics below.

  • On average, 20% chance to get an Epic Mercenary Card from Mercenaries Packs
  • On average, 5% chance to get a Legendary Mercenary Card from Mercenaries Packs
  • One Legendary Mercenary Card is guaranteed within the first 10 packs

If you already own all the Mercenary Cards of the determined rarity, the reserved slot will choose a random Mercenary of the same rarity and grant a Mercenary Portrait you don’t yet own for that mercenary. If you already own all the Mercenary Portraits of the chosen Mercenary, the portrait is automatically converted into Coins of that Mercenary (the number of Coins depends on the rarity of the item. See the Mercenary Portraits Drop Rates section below for more information).

The items obtained from the other four slots in a pack can be a Mercenary Card, Coins, or Portraits, from which you may obtain Mercenary Portraits of Mercenaries that you own before owning all Mercenary Cards of the rarity.


A pack can contain one or more drops of Mercenary Coins of any Mercenary, and each drop will be in between 35 and 45 coins.

  • Rare Coins:
    • On average, 84.7% chance for at least one of the drops to contain Rare Coins in a Mercenary Pack
    • On average, Rare Coins drop 12 times in 10 Mercenaries Packs
  • Epic Coins:
    • On average, 85.8% chance for at least one of the drops to contain Epic Coins in a Mercenary Pack
    • On average, Epic Coins drop 10 times in 10 Mercenaries Packs
  • Legendary Coins:
    • On average, 76.5% chance for at least one of the drops to contain Legendary Coins in a Mercenary Pack
    • On average, Legendary Coins drop 8 times in 10 Mercenaries Packs


All Mercenaries have 3 Golden Mercenary Portraits. All Legendary Mercenaries also have a Diamond Mercenary Portrait.

Whenever you obtain a Mercenary Portrait from a pack or product that includes a random Portrait*, the Portrait you receive will be based on the following baseline percentages:

  • For Legendary Mercenaries: 30% chance to get each of the 3 Golden Portraits and 10% chance to get the Diamond Portrait
  • For Rare and Epic Mercenaries: 33.3% chance to get each of the 3 Golden Portraits

When you obtain a Mercenary Portrait, the drop rate for the remaining Mercenary Portraits is dynamically recalculated, with new proportions based on your individual collection of Portraits for that Mercenary.

You will not obtain the same Mercenary Portrait until you own all the Mercenary Portraits for that Mercenary. Once you own all the Portraits for a Mercenary, you can obtain a second copy of a Mercenary Portrait, which will automatically be converted into Coins of that Mercenary: 50 coins for Rare, 75 coins for Epic, and 100 coins for Legendary Mercenaries.

Occasionally, you may obtain a Mercenary Portrait prior to obtaining its Mercenary Card. When that happens, you will be able to play that Mercenary with the Mercenary Portrait, and you could get the Mercenary Card from packs.

*When obtaining a Mercenary Portrait from a product that includes a random Portrait, the Mercenary is randomly determined first from the pool of Mercenaries that you do not own all Portraits for, which includes Mercenaries that are not in your collection. The selection is favored based on the number of unowned Portraits for each Mercenary, so you're more likely to get a portrait of a Mercenary in which you own fewer portraits already. For a simplified example, if you are missing 3 Portraits for Jaraxxus and own all Portraits but 1 for Jaina, you have a 3:1 chance of getting a Portrait for Jaraxxus over Jaina. The Portrait for the selected Mercenary is determined by the percentages listed above.

In-game purchases on your desktop or laptop can be paid with Runestones. The Available Payment Methods for Runestones depend on the country registered on your account. If you have Balance on your account, Hearthstone will suggest this payment method by default.

Payment Options on Mobile Devices

In-game purchases on mobile devices use the method of payment you have on file in the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore account registered on your device, regardless of which account is logged in to the game. For more information see Apple’s, Google’s, Amazon’s support articles. Balance cannot be used to make Hearthstone purchases on mobile.

Controlling In-game Purchases

To prevent in-game purchases on the desktop or laptop client, you can enable Parental Controls.

To prevent in-game purchases on mobile devices, you must set up restrictions on your device’s settings.

Payment Problems

If you experience errors when trying to buy in-game on desktop or laptop, try our Solutions to Common Payment Issues or check the list of common payment errors below.

If your game appears locked, you may have an open chargeback. Visit our Chargeback Repayment Options article to learn more.

Payment Problems on Mobile Devices

If you have trouble making a Hearthstone purchase on your mobile device, completely log out of the Hearthstone app. On iOS devices, also log out from your Apple ID. Then log back in and try again.

If the problem persists, visit Apple's App Store Support Site, the Google Play Help Center, or the Amazon Appstore Help Center for assistance.

Common Payment Errors

The Great Dark Beyond will feature a special Pre-Release Tavern Brawl ahead of expansion launch.

Card Availability and Usage

  • "The Great Dark Beyond" expansion cards are playable for a limited time in the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl from 10/29/24 10AM PT to 11/5/24 10 AM PT.
  • "The Great Dark Beyond" packs are able to be opened, and "The Great Dark Beyond" expansion cards are able to be viewed in the Collection Manager, during this time.
  • "The Great Dark Beyond" expansion cards will be allowed in other Hearthstone formats (e.g. - Ranked Standard) after expansion launch on 11/5/24.

Entry Cost and Access

  • Players can unlock access to the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl by completing level 18 on the Apprentice Track or skipping the Apprentice Track.
  • Players with access to the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl must pay an entry fee of 2 Tavern Tickets, 300 Gold, or 400 Runestones per run to participate.
  • Players with access to the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl will receive a free entry for their first run.


  • Players can win up to 6 times, or lose 3 times, before the end of a run.
  • Players are provided rewards based on the number of wins when their run ends.
  • Rewards provided are not cumulative across all win records, and are based solely on the final win record.
  • The following rewards are guaranteed based on the player's final win record at the end of the run:
    • 0 wins: 1 The Great Dark Beyond Pack, 1 Perils in Paradise Pack
    • 1 win: 2 The Great Dark Beyond Packs
    • 2 wins: 2 The Great Dark Beyond Packs, 1 The Great Dark Beyond Common Card
    • 3 wins: 2 The Great Dark Beyond Packs, 1 Perils in Paradise Pack, 1 The Great Dark Beyond Common Card
    • 4 wins: 3 The Great Dark Beyond Packs, 1 The Great Dark Beyond Packs Common Card
    • 5 wins: 3 The Great Dark Beyond Packs, 1 Perils in Paradise Pack, 1 The Great Dark Beyond Common Card, 1 The Great Dark Beyond Rare Card
    • 6 wins: 4 The Great Dark Beyond Packs, 1The Great Dark Beyond Common Card, 1 The Great Dark Beyond Rare Card

Forced Retirement & Refunds

  • A forced retirement occurs when the game identifies a player as being ineligible to finish their run due to game-specific changes prior to the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl ending on 11/5/24.
  • Refunds will automatically be applied in-game in the event that a forced retirement occurs.
  • Players will be refunded 2 Tavern Tickets, plus the rewards from their win record at the time of the forced retirement.
  • Players with unfinished runs after the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl ends will NOT be refunded Tavern Tickets, but will still receive rewards based on their win record.

Starting with Patch 31.2, Battlegrounds Hero options can be Rerolled at the start of a Battlegrounds or Battlegrounds Duos game. The following rules apply to Hero Rerolls:

  • Each Hero slot can only be Rerolled once per game..
  • Each Hero slot Rerolls independently. Each game, a player may choose to Reroll 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times (based on how many Hero slots they have). Each Reroll occurs before any decision about whether to make a subsequent Reroll.
  • A player cannot choose to get a specific Hero on Reroll, but rather, can get any eligible Hero for the game that has not already been shown to any player. That means that, upon Reroll, a player is guaranteed to get a new Hero they do not already have or had and discarded.
  • One player’s Rerolls are not affected by the other players Rerolls, as the overall pool is not refilled from discarded Heroes.
  • In Battlegrounds Duos games, one player’s Rerolls do not affect their partner’s Hero options.
  • The Hero pool is determined by the minion types generated at the outset of each game. Once the pool of available Heroes is set, the odds of getting one Hero versus another are the same. With the exception that, during the first two weeks of a new Hero being added to the Hero Pool, that Hero is always offered to a player in the initial Hero offeringsmeaning that they cannot be Rerolled into by any players during that time.
  • Each Hero Reroll consumes one Battlegrounds Token. However, with the Season Pass+, the first Hero Reroll each game does not consume a Battlegrounds Token (limit one and can’t be carried over between games). The Season Pass+ does not in any other way impact your Hero Rerolls.