Cross Realm Party

Updated: 4 days ago
Article ID: 23622

Common Problems

  • My friend and I are on different realms, we would like to play together
  • How do I group with my friend that is on another realm?
  • Is cross-realm party available in WoW Classic?

In Modern WoW and Classic Progression you can party-up with friends on other realms within the same region.

Modern WoW

In Modern WoW you can quest together, queue for dungeons and battlegrounds, and raid on normal and heroic. You cannot trade or join the same guild unless your realms are connected. To invite your friend you can use Real ID, BattleTag, or character name and realm:

  • If you are Real ID or BattleTag friends, simply invite your friend through your Friends list.
  • If you are not Real ID or BattleTag friends, type the following into your chat box: /invite Character Name-Realm Name. For example: /invite Khadgar-Earthen Ring

Classic Progression

In WoW Classic Progression you can queue for arenas and battlegrounds, but not dungeons, nor enter raids.

To invite your friend, type the following into your chat box: /invite Character Name-Realm Name. For example: /invite Khadgar-Earthen Ring

WoW Classic

Cross-realm party is not available in World of Warcraft Classic.