Cannot Play World of Warcraft After Adding Game Time or a Subscription

Updated: 7 days ago
Article ID: 12340

Common Problems

  • I added game time but my account is still inactive
  • Received an email saying my subscription is frozen
  • The Shop said I subscribed but no game-time was added to my account
  • Error: Active game time is required in order to play World of Warcraft Classic

To play World of Warcraft you must add game time or a subscription to your World of Warcraft account.

Adding game time or a subscription allows you to play past level 20 in Modern WoW, and play WoW Classic and Wrath Classic without any restriction.


When you buy game time or a subscription, your WoW account becomes active only if your order is Complete. This may take up to 24 hours depending on the payment method used. You can see the status of your order in your Transaction History. If you see no order, or your order shows as failed, it means your payment didn't go through; please check our Credit Card and PayPal payment troubleshooting articles and try again.

If you have multiple World of Warcraft accounts (WoW1, WoW2...), verify which one you activated and make sure you launch the game selecting the correct WoW account. If you added your game time or subscription to the wrong account Customer Service may be able to help.