Error - Please Clear the Mail from this Character's Mailbox

Updated: 8 months ago
Article ID: 10567

Common Problems

  • Want to transfer my character but I have mail on it and no game-time to clear it
  • I cannot change my character's faction, I receive an error that I have mail 
  • I emptied my mailbox but I still get this error when trying to transfer

This error occurs when trying to transfer or change the faction of a character that has mail. To fix this issue, you must log into the character and make sure you collect everything from the mailbox, then try again. 

If you are not seeing any mail, some additional possibilities include:

  • The mail may be hidden because the sender is blocked/ignored. Removing the ignore will allow you to see the message and address it.
  • The mail may be from an NPC due to recently completed quests and may not have been delivered. In most cases, waiting 24 hours for the mail to arrive and then deleting the message will allow you to proceed.

Note: Paid Character Transfers are not available on WoW Classic seasonal realms and may generate an error if attempted.